
Cubase 14 Review

The new Cubase version 14 comes with a bunch of interesting features and feels way more complete than its predecessor. Or maybe it’s just me, because i never really liked Cubase 13 and i’m glad that this period is over πŸ™‚

Don’t miss my “Honest Review” of Cubase 14 Pro! This time there isn’t much to rant about, but some things are still a bit weird. Although, that’s just me again, because i don’t have access to pre-release-date promo versions, so my critical points might be mostly “first-impression/no-testing” statements.

Anyways, enjoy my Cubase 14 review and don’t forget to like and comment:


Satisfying Ambient Loop

I have a very interesting and easy to attend Ambient Music Tutorial on my channel. In that video i create a 8-bar Ambient Loop that features a nice chord progression, melodic elements as well as a calm bass line.

Make sure to subscribe to The Ground Noise on YouTube, because i have plans to continue this project and turn the loop into a satisfying piece of ambient music. Stay calm and enjoy:

“Making a Satisfying Ambient Loop” – A Minimal Ambient Music Tutorial.

lost in the void

My recent videos related to ambient music seem to gain more views and engagement than other stuff. For example, i have made a detailed video where i turn a mediocre kickdrum sample into a much cooler sound…

…but that video only got 30 views in the first 10 days. Okay, to be honest, the first thumbnail wasn’t good (1% ctr), but i doubt that that’s the only problem. After all, the YouTube Algorithm has shown the video only about 1.600 times, and then stopped showing it at all 🀑

That’s why engagement (likes, dislikes, comments, sharing) is so important, guys!

If you want to see me tweaking a kickdrum sample step by step:

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with making more ambient music content. Sure, i want do make other stuff as well, but i also want to grow the channel. And the best way to do that is to tighten up the niche and give people what they want πŸ™‚

Over the last year i often had the feeling that i spread out the topics too much too soon.